Androvacuum, Andro vacuum in india




    Andro Extender Features

    • The device utilizes a well-designed extraction system that helps in forming new cells. This, in turn, makes the penis to extend gradually.
    • This is safe and medical tested penis enlargement equipment that provides the users with continual enlargement of the penis.
    • While comfort is prime importance, it is designed to be used for hours without causing any discomfort. 

    How Does It work?

    Andro Extender comes with two rigs that are used at the head and base of the penis. For the maximum level of comfort, we offer you silicone-based rings. These are linked by two bars that run with the penis length.

    While using it, you need to choose the right length of the rods and make sure that it fits the penis length. Now, you need to insert the penis in the extender through the base ring. Now, place the rubber strap on the penis head and stretch the head and place it on the penis head. Make sure that you are feeling comfortable while using it. After that, in the next process, you need to adjust the extender’s traction.

    If you are using it for the first time, then keep the traction level lower. If you want, then you can use it for 4 hours a day during the initial stage to get used to the device. After that, to enjoy a better result, you can use it for around 5-6 hours.

    The devices increase patient’s self-esteem and confidence and positively affects the sexual life. Don’t think much about this. Attain a perfect size now with our Andro Extender.

    Rs. 11000.00


    Andromedical’s Andro Extender is an essential penis enlargement device that helps in enlarging the penis. This device made from light and high-quality medical material. That’s why it is an economical alternative to others.

    This is a medically prescribed traction or enlargement device. A lot of patients suffering from ED across the world have used our equipment with a more significant level of success. The best thing about the device it is very easy to use, and one can use while sitting, walking, or during other activities.

    Andro Extender is designed perfectly to apply a firm level of traction force on the penis, stimulating the growth of the shaft tissues of the penis. The users can get the desired result by following the instruction in our instruction manual, which is quite easy to understand. If you use it as per the given instructions, you will not face any side effects.